Częstochowa |
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Częstochowa - Krakowsko - Częstochowska above Guard lies on Upland. City counts 255 000 occupants and it has surface 160km2 ca; about. One should historically to Małopolska. In it sweeps it is church and monastery on Bright Mountain with miraculous painting of Divine Częstochowa Mother - main center of the Virgin Mary cult in Poland. From this of reason Częstochowa recognized is for spiritual capital of Poland. Częstochowa came into being in XI of age. First mention comes from 1220. Name descends Częstochowa from Slavic name. In years 1370 - 1393 Częstochowa made up feud of Władysław Opolczyk, which in 1382 monastery of paulins founded. Municipal rights were broadcasted between 1370 and 1377, and in 1502 had place location on Magdeburg right. Monastery in XVII of age fortress was made, which be present resistance effectively Swedish armies during Deluge in 1655. In II partition she happened Prussias. After 1807 her was included to Varsovian's Duchy, and later Congress's Kindom. They existed Old Częstochowa initially and Częstoch ówka (municipal right from 1717 as New Częstochowa), which they became joint 19 August 1862. In period this (1819) Bernharda most important municipal track - Alley of Virgin Mary (became also traced through engineer of military John at present Alley Mary of Virgin). In relationship with position at railway Warsaw - Viennese (1864) and presence of deposits of ores of iron (at present no exploited) from year 1870 he started to develop - metal (industry Częstochowa Foundry in Częstochowa, which Bernard Hantke) initiated building, and paper. During II war world Częstochowa she was part of General Gubernator and Tschenstochau carried name. They entered Germans to city of 3 boiling 1939 and already next day they executed manslaughters, which to history past under name - bloody Monday. In 1940, in frames of share AB, extermination of intellectual elites of city was executed. In period of Poland fast extension foundries, which she gained name of Bolesław Bieruta (after 1989 - Częstochowa Foundry) came back to primitive year, she caused dynamic development of city. Częstochowa it is self counting industrial center from years, first off all metal trade, chemical, and also; as well as; processing of materials. On terrain of city she happened trades about 30 thousand's economic subjects almost in everybody. Significant place in economic landscape of city occupies Częstochowa craft, identifying oneself secular tradition of production of souvenirs and devotional articles for workings on field of international co - operation and propagating of idea of European integration, and also; as well as; creating of favourable conditions for economic development, Częstochowa Honourable Flag was rewarded in 1933 year Radiums of Europe, and two years later Honourable Board Radiums of Europe. In year 1998 Częstochowa celebration became, as first city in Europe Eastern highest distinction - Prix de Europe '98.